
A Guide to Lush Lawns

As summer unfolds, it paints an idyllic picture of sun-soaked afternoons, blooming flowers, and lush, green lawns. For many homeowners, having a well-maintained lawn becomes a focal point of their outdoor spaces. Cutting grass in the summer might seem like a straightforward task, but doing it right involves understanding the nuances of lawn care. Here's our comprehensive guide to ensuring your grass stays healthy and vibrant throughout the summer.

How to Cut Grass in the Summer: A Guide to Lush Lawns

As summer unfolds, it paints an idyllic picture of sun-soaked afternoons, blooming flowers, and lush, green lawns. For many homeowners, having a well-maintained lawn becomes a focal point of their outdoor spaces. Cutting grass in the summer might seem like a straightforward task, but doing it right involves understanding the nuances of lawn care. Here's our comprehensive guide to ensuring your grass stays healthy and vibrant throughout the summer.

The Importance of Summer Lawn Care

In summer, your lawn becomes a hub of outdoor activity. The rising temperatures and increased sunlight can put your grass under stress, making it crucial to employ the correct mowing techniques. Not only does proper mowing contribute to a healthier lawn, but it also helps conserve water, resist pests and diseases, and absorb sunlight more effectively.

Timing Your Mows

Cutting your grass at the right time plays a significant role in maintaining its health. Early morning, before the temperature peaks, is the ideal time. This allows the grass to heal before the intense afternoon sun hits. If you can't manage a morning mow, late afternoon or early evening is the next best time.

Avoid mowing in the midday heat as the stress from mowing combined with heat can cause the grass to go into shock, leading to a dull or brownish lawn. Similarly, try not to mow when the grass is wet, as this can lead to uneven cuts and spread diseases.

Grass Height Matters

Different types of grass have different ideal heights, but a general rule is to follow the "one-third rule." This rule advises never to remove more than one-third of the grass blade at a time. Cutting grass too short can stress it, making it more susceptible to pests and diseases, and leading to a less resilient lawn in the face of summer heat.

If you're unsure about the height, err on the side of keeping it longer. Taller grass develops deeper roots, which helps it access water deeper in the soil, making it more drought-resistant.

Mower Maintenance

A mower with dull blades will tear the grass rather than cut it cleanly. This can result in ragged edges that brown quickly, making your lawn look less than its best. Ensuring your mower blades are sharp is crucial for a clean cut. It's advisable to sharpen your mower blades several times throughout the mowing season.

Grasscycling: Return The Clippings

Don't bag those clippings - return them to the lawn. Grasscycling involves leaving grass clippings on the lawn after mowing. These clippings decompose rapidly and return vital nutrients back to the soil, promoting healthier growth. It's an easy way to recycle nutrients and save time on cleanup!

Hydration and Fertilisation

Watering your lawn deeply and infrequently encourages deeper root growth. In the summer, it's better to water your lawn once or twice a week, giving it a good soak, rather than a quick daily sprinkle. Early morning is the best time to water to reduce evaporation and allow the lawn to dry before nightfall.

While summer isn't the ideal time to fertilise your lawn, if you need to, choose a fertiliser with a slow-release, low-nitrogen component. Avoid over-fertilising, which can lead to rapid growth that will require more frequent mowing.

Mind The Weeds

Weeds compete with grass for water and nutrients. Regular mowing usually keeps most weeds at bay, but if you notice persistent ones, consider hand-pulling or using a selective weed killer.

In conclusion, summer lawn care is a delicate balance of the right mowing, watering, and fertilisation techniques. With the above tips, you're well on your way to having a lawn that not only looks good but is healthy and able to withstand the summer heat. At Hawk Property Services, we specialise in making Cirencester's gardens shine. Contact us to learn more about our garden maintenance services. Your lush, summer lawn is closer than you think.

Understand Your Grass Type

It's crucial to know what type of grass you have before embarking on your summer lawn care regimen. Different grass types have different needs and tolerances. For instance, Bermuda grass thrives in hot climates, while Kentucky bluegrass prefers cooler temperatures. Knowing your grass type will help you adjust your mowing and watering schedule accordingly, ensuring you're not working against your lawn's natural growth cycle.

Incorporating Sustainable Practices

As you strive for a perfectly manicured lawn, remember the importance of sustainable practices. Overwatering not only wastes water but can also lead to shallow roots and more vulnerable grass. Instead, water deeply but infrequently, ensuring your grass receives approximately one inch of water per week, including rainfall.

Moreover, reduce the use of harsh chemical fertilisers and opt for natural, organic alternatives. Not only are these better for the environment, but they can also contribute to the overall health and disease resistance of your lawn.

Professional Lawn Care

Even with the best intentions and efforts, lawn care can be a challenging and time-consuming task. Sometimes, the best course of action is to call in the professionals. A professional lawn care service can provide expert knowledge and experience, taking the guesswork out of lawn maintenance.

At Hawk Property Services, we pride ourselves on our professional, personalised approach to lawn care. Whether you need regular mowing, specialised care, or a complete lawn transformation, we're ready to make your lawn the lush, green oasis you've always wanted it to be.

In conclusion, summer lawn care doesn't have to be complicated. By understanding the basics, paying attention to details, and being proactive, you can maintain a healthy, vibrant lawn all summer long. Remember, every lawn is unique. With a bit of knowledge and care, yours can be a testament to the beauty of summer.

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Gabriel Blythe-Haus

As summer unfolds, it paints an idyllic picture of sun-soaked afternoons, blooming flowers, and lush, green lawns. For many homeowners, having a well-maintained lawn becomes a focal point of their outdoor spaces. Cutting grass in the summer might seem like a straightforward task, but doing it right involves understanding the nuances of lawn care. Here's our comprehensive guide to ensuring your grass stays healthy and vibrant throughout the summer.

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